Friday, February 12, 2010

Another Day, Another Drawer

I'm Back!!

And I brought these with me!
I searched every store in the entire park and couldn't find any salt & pepper shakers... my sister Natalie ended up finding them for me, in the coffee shop!
It was a very fun trip...we ended up having 30 members of the family go and I'm happy to say I only got screamed down twice the entire trip (I was early, and then late for family pictures). And thankfully we all still love each other and aside from gaining 6 pounds (my 2 desserts a week rule changes to 2 desserts a day on vacation) we made some great memories!

(The tool is the dish rag, the doughnut holes were actually a tool the husband used yesterday to stay awake on the drive home.)


I cleared and cleaned the drawer.
Then sorted everything...

I realized I probably don't need 5 of these...

And the plastic utinsils belonged somewhere else...

And all of this went into the recycle bin...

Well, almost...I came across these cute little containers while cleaning out another cupboard a few weeks ago...I forgot I had them and have never, ever used them but they are just so cute I had to keep them.
Today I wanted to have the courage to throw them away, but I couldn't, so I compromised, and stuck them in the DI box.


Much, much better, don't you think?!
I checked to see if D had any words of wisdom on family vacations and couldn't find anything, but she does say a few things about family traditions!
"A wonderful way to put the heart in a home is to enjoy family traditions. Many families have traditions or customs which may appear a little ridiculous to an outsider, but if they are viewed as dearly loved patterns of family life, they become precious and richly meaningful. A tradition needn't be spectacular; it can be as down-to-earth as a family picnic... or asking the blessing before a meal".
One of our favorite little traditions is dinner time together. Everyone shares their "High/Low" (the high of their day and the low of their day--by the way, thanks Marci for this idea) and what they did to help someone through out the day. The cute 5 year old almost never has a low...if only we could all be as happy as she is!
I'd better get back to catching up on all of this!
Tune in next week when I get to use one of my favorite tools...THE CAULK GUN!!

1 comment:

  1. I am really happy that you brought that cute couple back with you. I went back to the store and they were all gone, I felt really bad that I hadn't picked them up when I first saw them. I'm on load #7 of laundry with 2 more to go. My project yesterday was getting all 6 suitcases plus 6 carry on bags unpacked! Do I get tickets for that accomplishment?
