Tuesday, March 2, 2010

2 Steps Forward...1 Step Back

The husband happened to be looking under the couch the other day for a Binky...and was met with this little collection of treasures.

In my past life (back before I was striving to be an ideal homemaker), I actually vacuumed under my couch regularly.

The last time I cleaned under it was Christmas time...how oh how does all that dust accumulate so quickly?



This wasn't as easy to finish as it looks as I had 2 little toddlers who kept getting in my way trying to pick up all the toys.
D makes a good point about getting organized...Sometimes in life it's necessary to take one step backward in order to go two steps forward. In keeping with this philosophy, it isn't possible to keep up with all the usual housework and clean out the closets (and in my case, paint the cabinets, finish the bathrooms, wash the blinds...etc etc). Something has to give. You may have to let the cleaning go. You know, you never get behind with the cleaning. One swipe of the cloth and the dust is gone no matter how thick it is. On the other hand, you must keep up on the meals, washing, ironing and mending.
So I feel OK about the filth under my couches, my dusty book shelves, the showers that need cleaning...2 steps forward, 1 step back.

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