Monday, May 24, 2010

Organizing Daughter #2 and #3's Pictures

In my past life I would have never, not ever gotten one project done on a day like today...
a trip to the dentist, a funeral, helped my daughter at her school, a family service project--and those are just the highlights.
I finished today's project AND watched Friday Night Lights while eating dill sunflower seeds (love them) with the husband and still made it in bed by 10pm!

LOVE Peanut M&M's and Plain M&M's run a close second!
Same as the rest of the kids but the sorting went much faster.


D shares more words of wisdom from John Luther...
"Realizing that you actually enjoy working is part of growing up. But many people never learn it; they never achieve the peace of mind and contentment this knowledge brings. They spend their lives in a prison where work is the eternal punishment."

These photo albums will be my eternal punishment if I don't step it up.

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