Tuesday, February 2, 2010

From Barn Red to Bungalow Gold


4 years ago I had a hard time deciding what color to paint this beam...I would prefer it be stained to match the other beam in my living room but it was white when we bought the house. I draw the line at wood stripping so it ended up red to tie in with the kitchen.

After living with it for about a month I wished I'd painted it the same gold that ties into the wall with the coat racks and underneath and on the opposite side of the beam
(see http://dirtylittlesecrets2010.blogspot.com/2010/01/love-those-shelves.html).
So, 3 years and 11 months later I am finally getting around to changing it.

FYI--I normally would have used a roller but forgot to pick one up over the weekend so it took longer than it needed to as I brushed away...all the while hearing my Dad's voice echoing in my head "take time or make time" (I should have taken time to make a list before going to Lowe's).
I think the procedure is pretty self-explanatory.


I had two children tell me they liked it better red, but what do they know.

D says there are no "do's" and "don'ts" to color. The "HOW" is what is important... and COLOR should be one of the most influential factors in the home.
Which is why I have so much gold paint on my walls...you all know what yellow brings to a space!
Tune in tomorrow when the husband and I transform this same space into a display for my most prized collection!


  1. I never even noticed it was red. It looks real nice though. Is that cup yellow or green? Just wondering. haha

  2. Way to go for finishing the project that's been on the back burner for years. It looks good. Maybe I'll do one this week too. A friend of a friend told me about your blog. Fun idea. I'm looking forward to looking at it more for inspiration and motivation.
